PLAY FACILITATION FORM Candidate Details Candidate name     Title/designation     Workplace/organisation      Part A. Plan and Prepare Details of the play Name/title of play     Overview of the play      Individual or group Group IndividualIndoor or outdoor Outdoor Indoor Guide questions Describe how the different kinds of play you have planned stimulate and aid learning. Provide specific descriptions of the play and how it stimulates the children and aids their learning.      Describe specific aspects of the different kinds of play you have selected and relate them to how these play activities are appropriate for the children under your care. Provide specific descriptions of the children under your care to support your answer. Your responses must include how you implemented the support strategies for the two (2) children with additional support needs as outlined in their personalised support plan.      Describe specific aspects of the play activities you have selected and explain how these support the emerging physical needs of each child. Provide specific examples of physical skills supported by the play activities you have chosen.      Describe how these play activities provide the children experiences to explore a range of concepts. Provide specific examples for a range of concepts. (Example of concepts may include but are not limited to on/off, full/empty, sharp/dull, up/down, big/little, thick/thin, hard/soft, etc. For more information on teaching basic concepts, read here: Teaching Basic Concepts.)      Explain how specific aspects of the play activities you have selected support the following areas of children’s development.Physical     Creative     Social     Emotional     Language     Cognitive      Planning the venue, resources, and materials Instructions: Plan the areas, resources, and materials you will require to facilitate the kinds of play you have identified. At least one of your responses below must specify how the planned areas, resources and/or materials address the additional support needs of the two children with personalised support plans. Describe some resources and equipment that will be used in the selected play activities and explain how they would support the development of the children’s fine and gross motor skills. Provide specific examples of resources and equipment and specific examples of the fine and gross motor skills that they help develop.      Describe how the resources selected will challenge and intrigue and encourage choice and spontaneity in physically active play activities. Provide specific examples of these resources and how they encourage choice and spontaneity.      Describe the range of materials, resources, and technologies that you will be utilising in the selected play activities and how they promote exploration and problem solving and stimulate cognitive development.      Describe specific elements of the outdoor and indoor environments that will allow the children to gain experiences which scaffold learning and development and offer chances for appropriate risk-taking. Provide specific examples of scaffolding of learning and development and controlled situations that offer chances for appropriate risk-taking.      Document how you will provide a balance of natural and artificial lighting, good ventilation, and fresh air.      Describe how you will organise the indoor and outdoor spaces, such that the children will have the opportunity to be independent whilst having the support they need to create their own games and experiences.      Planning the venue, resources, and materials Instructions: Take photos of the area, resources, and materials you organised for this play and paste them in the spaces provided below: Photo evidence of the area (outdoor/indoor) you set up for this playPhoto evidence of the resources you set up for this play.Photo evidence of the materials you set up for this play. Describe how the environment shown in the photos demonstrate effective selection and placement of equipment and resources, with consideration for the safety of the children.      Describe how the environment shown in the photos allows for individual and collaborative experiences.      Describe how the environment shown in the photos provide opportunities for children to allow exploration of natural materials, environments and experiences.      ASSESSOR DECLARATION By signing this declaration, I confirm that I have sufficiently observed the candidate, whose name appears above, plan and prepare for the play activity as documented above. I further confirm that the information above is true and accurate.Assessor’s name:      Assessor’s signature      Date signed:       End of Part A Planning and Preparation Part B. Support Candidate Details Candidate name     Title/designation     Workplace/organisation      Observation Details Date of observation     Time of observation     Location     Observed by      Assessor to observe the following: TASKS Did the candidate…YESNOAssessor’s commentsConsult their supervisor to ask guidance for support strategies they will implement for two children with an additional support plan.     Talk with two children with personalised support to confirm with them whether the activities address their additional support needs.     Talk with at least one child about their experiences during the play activities.     Encourage and support the efforts of at least one child during the play activities.     Assist one child during the play activities.     During the play activities, talk with at least one child about how their body works.     During the play activities, talk with at least one child about the importance of the physical activity to health and wellbeing.     Facilitate the play activities with opportunities for intentional teaching.     Facilitate the play activities with opportunities for spontaneous learning.      ASSESSOR DECLARATION By signing this declaration, I confirm that I have sufficiently observed the candidate, whose name appears above, complete/demonstrate the above tasks in the centre during the play activities. I further confirm that the information above is true and accurate.Assessor’s name:      Assessor’s signature      Date signed:       End of Part B Support Part C. Facilitation Candidate Details Candidate name     Title/designation     Workplace/organisation      Observation Details Date of observation     Time of observation     Location     Observed by      Assessor to observe the following: TASKS Did the candidate…YESNOAssessor’s commentsFollow children’s lead in play.     Participate in play as invited by the children.     Use children’s cues to guide the level and type of involvement in play.     Initiate play.     Effectively encourage the children to play.     Encourage throughout the interaction with children. Enthusiasm Playfulness Enjoyment     Respond effectively to at least two children’s reactions to play environments.     Keep children motivated to persevere throughout the activity.     Keep children interested.     Keep children challenged, but not frustrated.     Establish an effective routine to support children acquiring and practising their skills while maintaining safety.     Use safe practices appropriate to the development stage and needs of children.     Use supportive practices appropriate to the development stage and needs of children.     Use equitable practices appropriate to the development stage and needs of children.     Provide instructions in a manner appropriate to the children and the context of the environment and activities.      ASSESSOR DECLARATION By signing this declaration, I confirm that I have sufficiently observed the candidate, whose name appears above, complete/demonstrate the above tasks in the centre during the play activities. I further confirm that the information above is true and accurate.Assessor’s name:      Assessor’s signature      Date signed:       End of Part C Facilitate

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