Management Principles and Organizational Behavior

It is important as a future business professional that you can conduct a SWOT Analysis of an
organization. Each company has a SWOT analysis that helps them develop strategic initiatives to
help them gain market growth within their industry against their identified competition. A
SWOT Analysis also helps a company gain focus within themselves to improve upon identified
weaknesses that could be holding them back from being successful against competition and
growth in the marketplace.
This is a team project where you will analyze your chosen company pairing’s SWOT Analysis. In
your analysis, you will provide a description of the organizations (including info on the CEO,
mission statement, vision statement, etc.).
0 Compare each company’s SWOT Analysis to each other.
0 Provide recommendations of what grand strategies each company could pursue.
0 Describe what you have learned as a result of performing this project.
Your project topics above will be placed in a three-ring one inch binder notebook with each topic
above having its own “Tab” section. You will develop a cover page (front insert outside cover of
your notebook) with your chosen company names, listing your team number and team member
names. Below is what will be in your project notebook:
0 Cover page in the outside insert of your notebook.
0 Table of contents page followed by one blank piece of paper.
0 Tab for Company SWOT analysis
0 Tab for recommendations for companies.
0 Tab for your learning outcome.
Your project writing should be in Times New Rome font size 12, double spaced lineg for comments.
Margins should be one inch margins all around. Each section should be four (4) pages, with charts
inserted into your writing. Note: When inserting a chart, copy it and paste it as “Paste Special”. You
should get a drop down list, chose “Bitmap” and then hit OK. By using “Bitmap” your chart is in a
control size that you can adjust and move around without any issues. There will be a brief
PowerPoint presentation at the end of the semester reflecting your proj ect.. Your presentation will
have four (4) slides as listed below:
0 Title Slide reflecting your companies along With your team number and team member names.
0 Company information.
0 Company SWOT analysis charts.
0 Recommendations.

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