Health informatics changing the roles of healthcare managers Nursing Essay

Health informatics changing the roles of healthcare managers Nursing Essay

Individual Research Paper Instructions: Research and prepare a 12 page paper on: How will developments in health informatics change the role of healthcare managers by 2020? To address this question, your analysis must include specific sections on the following: i. Identify, analyze, and discuss current trends in health care technology, including biotechnology, smart phones, health informatics, and other relevant technologies in the context of the overall US healthcare system. ii.Identify key factors driving and/or limiting the further growth of health care technologies. iii. Based on the above analysis, identify five (5) ways health technology will likely change the role of health care managers c. APA Manual/Rubric. Ensure you follow the APA Manual, 6th edition when preparing your research paper. Please read the grading rubric thoroughly before you submit your paper. d. References. Appropriate/valid references include published books, articles in peer reviewed journals, or first-tier print media. Magazine articles and articles from non-peer reviewed journals are generally not appropriate and may be referenced in this paper only by exception. Cite at least eight (8) relevant and valid sources in the draft and final paper submissions. Format.: Ensure the draft and final versions of the paper are typed, double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1” margins on all sides, and follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (APA) format. Include: Structured Abstract [A good abstract will entice the reader to read further. Your abstract should be between 100 and 250 words and should include the following]: 1. Problem/Purpose Statement – [Provide a brief statement of the purpose of your study and/or the problem you are addressing] Why you are doing the study – [Explain why the problem or purpose is an interesting one] 2. Research design/method – [Explain what way you are doing your research. Provide enough information that another researcher could replicate your study.] 3. Findings/results – [State what your solution/research accomplishes/achieves. What are the facts you found?] 4. Conclusions – [State what follows from your solution/research] 5. Relevance – [State the value to the health care community (either in practice, research, or both)] 1. Introduction/Background/Literature Review [You should include at least 2-3 valid references in the draft outline to support the introduction]: a. Describe the problem [Should include some background for the reader to understand why the problem is a problem] b. Briefly state the contributions your research will provide to healthcare 2. Research Design/method [Explain the steps to take to complete your analysis. Explain what way you are doing your research. Provide enough information that another researcher could replicate your study using your methods section.] 3. Findings/results [Explain the facts you have revealed in your analysis. In this section, you should have very little (if any) of your opinion or perspective on what you found. Instead, be specific about the details that came from your research] 4. Conclusions [State what follows from your solution/research. In this section, you should interpret your findings to explain the meaning of the facts you found in the findings section.] 5. Relevance [State the value to the health care community ( in practice). 1. References. a. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (2009). (6th ed.): American Psychological Association (APA). b. Jones, P. S. (2013, April 19). Research Skills [Lecture 6]. How to write a great research paper. Video cast retrieved from c. Creswell, JW. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches: Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. d. Bhattacherjee, Anol (2012) Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices (2nd ed). Published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ISBN-13: 978-1475146127. Free download: 2. Appendices.

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