Foot health, knee Problems Assignment Report Portfolio Task: Module 1

Foot health, knee Problems Assignment Report Portfolio Task: Module 1

Effective Study Skills are the Sole Foundation of a sound education

Study skills, as defined by Adams and Hamm (1994), are paths which lead to the learning. Ley and Young (1998) have defined Education as a formal process followed deliberately by a society with an aim to transfer the knowledge, skills, customs and values which it has accumulated to the future generations. Effective study skills establish a sound education system as it leads to a positive outcomes across multiple academic content areas and for diverse learners ( Semones 1991).

Raiment of study skills have been developed in order to formulate a process which helps in delivering new information in an organized manner. These arrays include Mnemonics; through which information are recalled, effective reading and concentration techniques, as well as efficient note taking.

Crystal clear understanding of a subject and effective application of study skills are the two main components of a sound education. Students who are capable of getting good grades may find it difficult to score the same not because of the lack of ability but because of the absence of effective study skills (Devine 1987). “Someone who works hard and is well organised but spends all their time on unimportant tasks may be efficient but not effective.  To be effective, you need to decide what tasks are urgent and important and to focus on these” (University of Kent). Chances of failure are reduced through effective skills and learners can take advantage of learning opportunities.

Study skills make learners capable of acquiring knowledge in an organized and synthesized manner, retaining the acquired knowledge and finally applying the acquired knowledge in an effective manner. Scope of study skills are not limited to academic knowledge only it prepare learners for lifelong learning experience (Hoover and Patton 1995). Indispensable skills such as organizing, listening, and retaining information are developed through study skills. All these skills are quite important in every phase and situation in life. For example when an individual is applying for a job, crystal clear knowledge is very significant in order to crack the interview.

Study skills can be defined as the techniques which assist an individual in becoming an effectual learner. Some students might posses these study skills naturally while most people do not have them. Cottrell (2008) has explained it in better manner that a skill can be any learned activity, something which can be developed through thorough practice. The study skills have been categorized into various categories like active listening, presentation techniques, critical thinking skills, writing skills, time management, reading comprehension, memory techniques, and research and evaluation. Both natural skills as well as acquired ones need to be developed as well as fine tuned so that they become effectual.

To conclude, in order to attain a sound education, it is very essential to develop effective study skills as in the absence of these study skills, education will not sustain and will crash down. Apart from building a solid base for sound education, study skills also develop skill of thinking in critical manner, command on a language and effective communication skills, skill of listening and not just hearing and skill of asking logical questions which ultimately result in sound education ( Fuchs, Fuchs, Mathes and Simmons 1997).

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