Emergent Crime Issues

Emergent Crime Issues

Order Description
This short papers is on emergent crime issues. Research the topic and write a paper on it. The following shall be address:
• Use APA in text citations with correct page numbers
• Discuss emergent crime issues such as cybercrime, human trafficking, and transnational crime in general.
• Summarize the decentralized and bureaucratic structure of most policing and law enforcement agencies.
• First, discuss the impact of policing and law enforcement on traditional crime. Examine the decentralized and bureaucratic structure in relation to traditional crime.
• Then discuss if policing and law enforcement can use the current approach to confront non-traditional, transnational street crime. Select any one crime, other than illegal narcotics, for this part of the paper.
• What changes, if any, in the structure and approach of police and law enforcement would you recommend to improve response to the selected crime?
• Support all statements with reasons and references to scholarly literature. Give examples where appropriate.
References to use:
Thomas, D. J. (2011). Professionalism in police: An introduction. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning.
Truman, J. L. (2011, September). Criminal Victimization, 2010. [PDF File Size 1.25 MB] U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Department of Justice. Retrieved from https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv10.pdf

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