Effects of theory based (Health Belief Model) educational intervention program on Osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra MalaysiaNursing Essay

Effects of theory based (Health Belief Model) educational intervention program on Osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra MalaysiaNursing Essay

Mention meta-analysis ,intervention study as well descriptive study with statistical finding ?Proper referencing and citation ?Using the software “mendeley” with supported citation Research question 1.What are the socio demographic factors of osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia? 2.What are the behavioral factors of osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia? 3.What are the score of osteoporosis knowledge test, self-efficacy scale and belief scale for osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia? 4.Is theory based education program effective for osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia? General objective To develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention program on Osteoporosis based Health belief model among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia. Specific objectives 1.To determine the socio-demographic factors of osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia both intervention and control group at baseline. 2.To determine the behavioral factors of osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia both intervention and control group at baseline. 3.To develop and implement educational intervention module for osteoporosis based on Health belief Model among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia. 4.To evaluate and compare the Osteoporosis knowledge Test (OKT), Osteoporosis Self-Efficacy Scale (OSES) and Osteoporosis Health Belief Scale (OHBS) for osteoporosis before and after the educational intervention among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia both intervention and control group at baseline and 3 months follow up period of intervention. Research Hypotheses 1.Socio-demographic factors will have influence on osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia. 2.Behavioral factors will have influence on osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia. 3.Theory based educational intervention will effective on osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia. 4.After educational intervention the score of osteoporosis knowledge test, self-efficacy scale and belief scale for osteoporosis among the female staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia will improve. Independent variables: The independent variables studied in this study included demographic factors as age, sex, education, ethnicity, occupation, religion, income and the components of intervention modules(susceptibility, severity, benefits, barriers and self-efficacy of osteoporosis) to assess the outcome at 0 and 3 months. Dependent /outcome variables: The outcome variable for this study is Osteoporosis knowledge, health beliefs and self-efficacy. Outcome variables will compare at baseline and the effects of intervention on immediately and after three months follow?up.

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