The context provides secure and health

The context provides secure and health

Complete the following reading prior to class: Mahoney, J.L., Larson, R., Eccles, J.S., & Lord, H. (2005). Organized activities as developmental contexts for children and adolescents. In Mahoney, J.L., Larson, R., and Eccles, J.S. (Eds.). Organized activities as contexts of development: Extracurricular activities, after-school and community programs (pp. 3-22). Mahwak, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. My program: Third Street Community Center Answer the following questions (minimum of one paragraph for each question) and bring a typed, hard copy to class for our in-class discussion/activity: In this chapter, Mahoney et al., state that in order for programs to be deemed beneficial, youth need to actually show up! Lack of participation has been an issue that some of you have experienced firsthand in your programs. Using the research provided in the section on demographic and familial influences, and the section on individual characteristics, discuss how these factors are reflected in encouraging youth participation in your programs. Program quality is another factor in sustaining youth participation. Table 1.1 (attached) from the Mahoney et al. chapter identifies eight features that help to define a high quality program. Review the table and discuss how these are reflected (or not) in your program. TABLE 1.1 Features of Contexts That Promote Positive Development 1. Physical and psychological safety. The context provides secure and health-promoting facilities and practices, allows for safe and appropriate peer interactions, and discourages unsafe health practices and negative or confrontational social interchanges. 2. Appropriate structure. The context provides clear, appropriate, and consistent rules and expectations, adult supervision, guidance, and age-appropriate monitoring in a predictable social atmosphere where clear boundaries are known and respected. 3. Supportive relationships. The context offers stable opportunities to form relationships with peers and adults wherein social interchanges are characterized by warmth, closeness, caring, and mutual respect, and where guidance and support from adults is available, appropriate, and predictable. 4. Opportunities for belonging. The context emphasizes the inclusion of all members and maintains a social environment that recognizes, appreciates, and encourages individual differences in cultural values, gender, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation. 5. Positive social norms. The context maintains expectations and requirements for socially appropriate behavior and encourages desirable and accepted values and morals. 6. Support ƒor efficacy and mattering. The context allows fot and supports autonomy, values individual expression and opinions, concentrates on growth and improvement rather than absolute performance, encourages and enables individuals to take on challenging responsibilities and to carry out actions aimed at making a difference. 7. Opportunity ƒor skill building. The context offers opportunities to learn and build physical, intellectual, psychological, emotional, and social skills that facilitate well-being in the present and prepare individuals for health and competent functioning in the future. 8. Integration of family, school, and community efforts. The context provides opportunities for synergistic experiences that integrate transactions across family, school, and community. Note. Taken from the findings of the Committee on Community-Level Programs for Youth (Eccles & Gootman, 2002). L., Mahoney, J., Larson, W., Eccles, S.. Organized Activities As Contexts of Development: Extracurricular Activities, After School and Community Programs. Psychology Press, 03/2005. VitalBook file.

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