Climate Change Online Paper Writing Services


  1. This discussion post presents basic research upon the effects of climate change upon the sea level of the oceans and other major bodies of water on Earth. It has been noted since the beginning of the twentieth century that sea levels have been on the rise; in fact, sea levels have raised ten to twenty centimeters since 1900 (National Geographic, 2014).” The leading theory explaining this unexpected rise in sea level and sea temperature is global warming. Global warming is a trend that suggests the temperature of the planet is rising. Most theorists suggest that this rise in temperature has been brought about by the use of manufactured CFC’s and pollution, but some experts believe global warming is a natural phenomenon, one which has occurred previously in the Earth’s history. Global warming is an issue that effects the whole population of planet Earth and one that could lead to drastic changes in the ways humans exist on Earth. Climate change remains largely an event uncontrolled by man. Therefore, in order to more fully understand global warming and its consequences for mankind, more research is needed to combat, effectively the problems global warming poses to mankind.
  2. National Geographic. “Sea Level Rise: Ocean Levels Are Getting Higher—Can We Do Anything About It?” National Geographic. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.
  3. I plan to use an article found on the internet as an additional professional and current published resource. This article came from Live Science, a credible and current source:

Pappas, Stephanie. “Climate Controversy: Does the 2 Degree Goal Need to Go?” LiveScience. 1 Oct. 2014. Web. 12 Oct. 2014.
Stephanie Pappas, a contributor to Live Science, explains that the 2 degree goal established at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference is largely unachievable (Pappas, 2014).” Thus, the goals and standards established by climate scientists are showing to be unachievable. Global warming is a complex issue and more research and action are needed in order to fully understand and combat the rising problem.
Overview of the Assignment:
This activity encourages you to stretch your boundaries in the non-written world of your research topic—to explore the world through the research process. You will be doing a lot of conventional research in the next module; the activity for this module will give you a chance to do a different sort of more immediate, practical research. To complete this activity, you will fashion a way to actively engage with your topic out in the world *during the time period of this assignment.* Activities conducted outside of the timeframe of this course will be ineligible for credit.
1. Below are a few examples to give you an idea about a few different types of appropriate activities, but you will *come up with your own activities* related to your research topic. You may interpret this assignment in whatever way is most valuable to you in terms of helping you engage with your particular research topic, but just remember that simply doing more publication research does *not* qualify as an adventure activity. Each topic yields its own set of possibilities; feel free to discuss options with each other in the Qs & As thread. In the end, you are responsible for selecting an activity that will be most useful for you and for your research.
Sample Activity: Proliferation of Fast Food in America: You could spend a few hours in a Fast Food Restaurant, maybe even offer to do dishes for an hour to sit near a busy area where you can observe much activity. Observe the sorts of marketing you see, the sorts of people who come in, the sorts of conversations you overhear, etc.
Sample Activity: Environmental Change, Global Warming, or Human Impact on the Environment: You could go somewhere you haven’t been for years, on a hike, for a drive into the mountains, etc. Observe the changes to the landscape or to any other aspects of the environment. Speculate about what caused these changes, etc.
Sample Activity: The Development of the Printing Press: You could go to a local museum or library, and observe some of the artifacts that relate to your topic . . . an old printing press, a collection of old and rare books, etc. Take careful notes about what you see or read, how it feels to handle or read an old book, etc.
Other Activity Ideas: Applicable to a variety of research topics: Observe participants posting to a blog related to your research topic, volunteer for an organization related to your topic, participate in a public rally or community meeting, talk to school students about your topic, tour a manufacturing or processing plant, visit a newspaper office, etc.
2. When you are done, post a message here in this discussion beginning with a statement of your research thesis. Then, present a clear and concise summary of your activity in 150-200 words. Make sure you include the relevant details from your experience, and discuss how your experience helped you see your topic in a new light or gave you more ideas to pursue in your formal research.

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